Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day 2 - Sunday

Our first full day in Dalton and it was a good one. We started out with breakfast at 8 (too early in most people's opinions given that summer vacation just started). From there we all broke up and went to different sunday school classes, ranging from the adult class, youth group, a church history class, a class led entirely in spanish where the interpreter couldn't keep up with the teacher, giving us only 1/2 sentences before moving on to the next 1/2 sentence. Next, being joined by the 5 folks who drove up early this moring, we all went to church service (about a million times different than at our church...but still good stuff) where they had up come up front to be prayed for. Then off to lunch with a bunch of different families. Some going to homes to eat while others went to restaurants.

When we came back, we split up and went out to the neighborhoods where we'll be doing the bible clubs tomorrow. We walked around, knocking on doors and passing out flyers, inviting people to come to our little day camp this upcoming week. The club that is happening at a house was joined in our "walk" by their three kids (two teenage girls and a younger boy) who were able to speak spanish to the door-answerers.

Now it is time for a homemade, authentic mexican dinner. Tomorrow we'll have some students throw in their comments after our first full day of hard work and bible clubs. Pray for safety and God moving mightily as we go out into the community.



Jen Fraser said...

Glad to hear you guys made it safely! Sounds like you have a lot of hard but fun work ahead! Praying for you guys!

Jen Fraser

Unknown said...

Sounds like you guys had a full Sunday and have big plans for today (Monday)! Hope it was cooler for you than it was for us...100 degrees at the lake this afternoon! Praying for safety and unity for everyone!!

Lisa and Al Dobbins