Friday, June 13, 2008

Day 7 - Friday

Well it appears that we made it. No real injuries. No big fat conflicts. Big powerful work by God in our lives, within the group, in the communities. It is pretty amazing to hear teenagers not wanting to leave and threatening to steal local children, wanting to bring them home and love on them some more.

Right now we are in Knoxville, about to go out to dinner at Fuddruckers. We have real beds, real showers that lock, which mean that I am not afraid of buckets of water falling on me or having my clothes stolen.

Let me tell you one of the hundred stories of the week that is sweet.

Every night we would get together to remember the day and prepare for the next. The first order of business was to tell stories; but not just any stories. People had to brag on somebody else. They had to tell the whole group of how great somebody else was that day...and every evening this would go on for quite a long time. Over and over students (and leaders) would point and brag about others, intentionally taking the focus off of themselves. What an unusual and amazing thing for students and leaders.

I am proud of all these guys and gals. It has been a sweet and exhausting week that will create countless stories for years and lives to come.

Brian Land

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